On 22 September, the Critical Raw Materials Alliance (CRM Alliance) hosted its bi-annual CRM Day on “The impact of new Due Diligence & Corporate Governance rules on critical raw materials value chains”. The event discussed the upcoming EU horizontal legislations on due diligence and sustainable corporate governance and was an occasion for experts to discuss the benefits and challenges associated with these two policy initiatives.
The first expert panel focused on the views of industry on the upcoming EU legislations on Due Diligence and Sustainable Corporate Governance. The panel included Pedro Oliveria from BusinessEurope, Luc Hendrix from SME United and Gert Meylemans from EUROBAT. The panelists discussed the potential impact of the horizontal set of legislative actions and elaborated on what can be done to ensure a coherent package of policies for all industry stakeholders.
The second expert panel addressed the challenges that raw materials could face in the regulatory frameworks on due diligence and corporate responsibility, how they may impact raw material value chains and the possible solutions that already have been implemented or will be implemented in the upcoming years. The panel included Susannah McLaren from the Cobalt Institute and Mark Ministry from the Nickel Institute.
To access the full report from our webinar, please click the link below: