CRM Alliance Updates
CRM Day – “Transitioning to a low carbon and energy efficient economy: Battery Raw Materials vs. CRMs behind the scene”
The Cobalt Industry develops its Responsible Assessment Framework (CIRAF)
BeST receives award as EU-OSHA official campaign partner
i2A to comment on the TLV proposed by ACGIH on ATO
ECOPHOS elected as 2019 Trends Gazelle
IMA and CRM Alliance at WerkstoffPlusAuto
The Magnesium News 2019 February edition is out
JSW’s charitable activity
MMTA’s February Crucible released
TIC Bulletin n. 176 – January 2019 is here
The 2030 Europe Fertilizer Industry Vision
CRM News
Four key messages emerging from the EU Industry Days
EU Industrial Policy: Success stories from the European Commission
The EU discusses the results of the Circular Economy Action Plan
Sustainable Development: Europe will have to focus on CRMs
Platform to drive research and innovation in the field of batteries launched
EU institutions turn to boosting innovative clean technologies
Mandate to start U.S. – EU talks subject to conditions
The European Defence Industrial Development Project to be launched soon
Portal on medical devices to help with the two new Regulations
Secondary political groups to gain importance in the next European Parliament elections
Screening investments to protect strategic sector
Check out the newsletter here.