The Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe sent out a press release about the publication of the European Minerals Yearbook during the EU and Advanced Mining Countries Raw Materials Diplomacy Dialogue in Brussels.
In the wake of global economic slowdown and collapsing commodity prices, mining companies and consumers of minerals need to be ever more cost conscious if they are to survive. On the 15th October, the European Minerals Yearbook, first digital reliable source of information on minerals statistics and intelligence in Europe, was officially launched at the “Raw Materials Diplomacy Dialogue between the EU and Advanced Mining Countries” organized by the European Commission DG GROW and EASME in Brussels. Including 40 European countries, 65 commodities from primary minerals with a focus on the twenty critical raw materials for the EU, covering a 10-year span for production and trade, the Yearbook is meant to reduce costs and risks, and secure sustained supplies for European industries in the mining and manufacturing sectors.
This comprehensive database contains detailed production pan-European information, therefore providing a new tool to the industry and EU decision-makers which before had to rely on fragmented and/or non-official sources. As Andrejs Mamikins MEP stated: “The European Minerals Yearbook is a great achievement. It could, for instance, reinvigorate also my home country Latvia’s economy through a more efficient extraction and subsequent use of natural resources. It could allow Europe to be much more self-sufficient and not overly dependent on the United States Geological Survey agency. It is my hope that the newest yearbook shall open a new page in Europe’s quest for increased competitiveness and prosperity”.
To read the full article, please click here.