On 21 April, the Critical Raw Materials Alliance hosted its first annual webinar of 2021 as part of the CRM Day. The webinar on “The role of CRMs in the new Industrial & Trade Policy” discussed the opportunities for CRMs in the upcoming EU inititatives with six experts.
Our panel of experts helped us understand some of the most important issues for the raw materials industry: securing supply, reducing dependency and the economic and functional impact on technologies, amongst other topics.
The first Expert Panel focused on the New Industrial Strategy and included MEP Hildegard Bentele, Judith Kirton-Darling from IndustriAll and Christoph Vanderstricht from PwC Belgium. The panel discussed the role of CRMs for EU industries and elaborated on what can be done to establish a more value-chain approach.
The second Expert Panel discussed the New Trade Policy and the recent Trade Communication. The panel was composed of Caroline Boeshertz from the European Commission, MEP Sara Matthieu and Stéphane Lambert from the Mission of Canada to the EU.
To access the full report from our webinar, please click the link below: